This is not actually an advertising review of a bar! I just wanted to share impressions on a really gorgeous place I have the chance to visit in Stockholm. Still, for those who want to see it by themselves know that it is situated in the in central Stockholm, intimate 65 sqm bar. The bar is pretty small having only 5 tables, but the great thing about it that it is open day and night. As I assumed it is not designed for sitting as it has a vast space for dancing.
But let's get back to the issue I liked the most in this bar and the cause I started to write about it. The Ceiling! This is first you see and admire upon entering the bar! The endless mirror bubbles come over the entire ceiling making it look like a fairy dream. They look like huge drops of water that are ready to drop just any second.
Beside the romantic part about this ceiling there is a "practical" one too. The mirror bubbles allow you spying on everyone else. An activity that seam to be more of a men's pleasure! :-)) So, ladies, be careful you are spied on while serving your cocktails! I bet men would like the floor to be of the same design.
The mirror walls are an organic continuation of the mirror ceiling. Together they create an illusion of infinity and trippy kaleidoscopic effects. Even the bathroom comes to complete the picture – strands of fiber optical threads are reflected on the ceiling and walls, creating an endless sea of illuminated grass.
I guess the main purpose of the designers was to show an organic and playful combination of glass, mirror and light. I think it is not accidentally that the Electric Dreams is the actual designer of the project. The graphics, the exterior glass illustrations, and the urban forest wallpaper were made by specialists at
I have to mention that the bar contains a lot of design elements known to the entire world. Such as, Joel Degermark's Cluster Lamps for Moooi which are placed above each table, each with a different set-up of light bulbs. You'll also find that the wall framing the bar interior forms a graphic element as well as a bottle stand. The vintage wooden chairs are the less fragile elements of the design. They are coated with glossy black lacquer.
This is what I was surprised of this week – something really out of my expectations!
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