Monday, April 27, 2009

Johanna Jansson Perfume Ring

The art of adorning and decorating own body dates back to antiquity (Egyptians were the first to develop it). This tendency was actually an index of social status and power. Today our totems (objects of adoration) have changed but the essence is the same.

Question: Why people (well, mainly women) are so attracted by jewelry when they don't really have any purposeful use?

Answer: Jewelry is never about a certain function! People wear them to give their life color and shine. Well, with the Johanna Jansson perfume ring it is also about giving life a scent!

As for me, I'm quite indifferent to rings, unless it is a worthy (correction: valuable) one! But, as usual, great design ideas leave me without words. The same with this perfume ring! You have to be totally into it to give birth to such 'pearl-ideas'.

The ring is inspired by haute couture, and its prototype is executed in resin using old fashioned cutting and grinding. The general idea is about light effects! The ring is to be made of layered glass which create remarkable color effects and uncommon optical illusions.

This quite glamorous bubble is not just a casual embodiment of designer's wild imagination. It has actually a thought-out construction which brings to life its main mission – volatilize tantalizing scent of your perfume or aethereal oil. This is possible due to the hollow structure with tap so you can drop some perfume in there.

You'll probably say, 'a scenting ring, what for?'. I think there is no need to tell you why women use perfumes at all. It quite clear that it is one of their weapons when it is about men! Besides, you can feel yourself a Middle Age witch tempted to seduce a poor weak-hearted male with a special scent...

All fantasies aside! Only cool mind... No doubt, this ring is a simple, but damn smart piece!



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